The founders and leaders of the project
Tali Barel Hess - the founder and leader of the project
Lawyer, and has a bachelor's degree in law and psychology, as well as a second degree in business administration. After an internship at the Ministry of Justice, Tali worked as a lawyer for several years, and after completing her master's degree, in which she specialized in management and organizational consulting, she converted to the field and worked in several organizations.

Michal Mats Litmanovitz - co-founder and leader of the project.
מיכל למדה ארכיטקטורה ובהמשך לימודי ניהול השיווק. החלה את דרכה המקצועית בניהול עסק בבעלותה בתחום המזון האורגני במשך מספר years and then turned to business consulting while specializing in marketing and social networks.
Michal has been a social activist for the advancement of women for many years